Tango as a Social Dance |
Most people associate tango with dramatic moves seen in tango shows. We do not practice those dances. The tango we practice is the social tango danced by people from all walks of life in the clubs of Buenos Aires and all over the world. |
Moving With the Music |
Understanding the music is paramount in social tango dancing. The tango walk is the foundation of all tango dance moves.Any person who can walk can learn to dance tango, regardless of gender, age, dance experience or body type |
Few Steps, Done Well |
Social tango dancing happens at the milonga. Thus, Alicia concentrates on the skills needed to successfully participate in the milonga: musicality, dancing technique, line of dancing and general milonga etiquette. Just what you need to dance. |
Music and Dance |
It may surprise many that only a tiny fraction of recorded tango music is suitable for dancing in the social environment. In fact, tango dancing is the least popular form of enjoying tango in Argentina. |
Music Danceable as Tango |
The bandoneón, playing short
sharp notes, is the signature instrument of tango music danceable as tango. The sound of tango music, when played for dancing, is unique and needs to be danced with unique steps |
Not Danceable as Tango |
Attempting to dance tango-like steps to music not danceable as tango is common among aspiring tango dancers. Yet, those interested in learning do dance tango should know that this is not tango dancing. |
CD's and Discographies |
Given the large number of tango recordings, it is critical to understand what to buy. We suggest to start a tango collection focusing on recordings from orchestras that recorded almost exclusively danceable music with a clear beat. |
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Books |
Books about tango addressed to the general public deal mainly with the history of the dance and music, or are "memoirs" narrating personal experiences of ordinary people relating to the dance. Here we review one book on each category. |